Putin Anti-Gay Campaign

I came across this wonderfully hilarious song written by one Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart titled “Leck mich im Arsch” literally translated “lick me in the ass” and it crossed my mind, perhaps it would make for a great protest song to use against the Putin anti-gay system? As every movement seems to require some sort of slogan or phrase that can be chanted or sung both within and outside of a given nation, this might just do the treat. By telling Vladimir Putin to “lick me in the ass” they would be essentially saying “kiss my arse” as a slogan of defiance.

So imagine it’s a nice night in Moscow for a protest, something that is totally planned by thousands or hundreds of citizens. Everyone has been prepared beforehand by practicing with their own copy of the lyrics. When at the appointed hour, at the exact minute of commencement, all of the protestors begin to sing things lovely song of defiant opposition “Лик меня в задницу” Of course they could go on for quite some time until the tanks or police arrive. Singing a song really has nothing to do with disseminating any kind of pro gay material, so it wouldn’t be covered by the Russian anti-gay law. Now imagine days, weeks, even months later whenever a Russian diplomat arrives at any kind of summit, they are greeting by rather large bodies of gay rights protestors who begin singing “Lick me in the ass”. This would serve as a kind of example to the entire world that people around the world are supporting the rights of gay Russian citizens. And from that not so serious song a real movement could spring forth of indirect protesting.

Lick Me In The Ass indeed.

Song Source: Lech mich im Arsch

An Official Poop List of Political Environmental Stupidity

Right now at www.350.org they’re asking for signatures on a petition to make the official naming of hurricanes only after politicians who deny the existence of climate change. If you’re interested in this highly humorous yet serious matter check out their site for more.

An 8-year-old Boy Murders Elderly Caregiver, Police Blame Gaming Behavior

There’s something wrong here. As a child much younger than him I knew that punching another kid would hurt them, all kids know this. Unless this particular child was totally divorced from reality, having no friends, and no real social contact then I could see he may have a reduced understanding of consequences. Also he could not have watched tv with any kind of violent content as that would be proof that when you shoot someone it can kill. I don’t understand how people can accept that young children can display incredibly advanced understanding of mathematics, music, science, etc but they make every single excuse for certain children or adolescents who display hyper violent behavior. If society is willing to accept that children can be gifted, it must also accept that some children do enjoy hurting others, do we really want the normative children to grow up around a potential psychopath in the making?

I just don’t buy it, he probably wanted to try it in real life just to see what would happen, that quality of curiosity should never be let out of prison. He’s just learned that he can murder and get away with it, basically society has reinforced his gaming predilections bravo, another potential serial killer in the making. Also guns do kill people, but so can a common kitchen knife, baseball bat, etc. Psychopaths never begin with guns, indeed many prefer more of the personal touch that bladed weapons can provide. In Canada we have a lot of guns as well, but even taking into account the ratio of gun deaths to ownership and the size of the population and we’re still nowhere near the levels of gun deaths that occurs in the US. The Swiss arm their ordinary citizens, making that for a much higher ownership ratio to population size and their gun death rate is almost nonexistent. Similar can be said of many other nations.Thus the quality of society is more suspect. If indeed US society cannot handle the responsibility of ownership perhaps greater controls are necessary. I’ve always thought that one should not be permitted to own a gun unless they pass a thorough psychiatric examination. Careless individuals who would give children easy access to guns would be discounted from ownership.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/08/25/us/louisiana-boy-kills-grandmother/index.html

Windows Website Survey Popups

Anyone gone to the Windows website lately and find yourself confronted by annoying popup windows regardless of how many times you’ve filled them our or have closed them? You’re not alone, I too find myself trying to avoid the Windows website, not to mention the few times that it’s actually helped me in the past and no doubt future. It’s kind of like the Windows not much help with zero support feature that comes with every Windows operating system. So here’s my answer to their query within the survey as to how I think they could make the Windows website more user friendly:

Perhaps have an advanced area where unsatisfied seasoned users could click to interact with each other, along with Microsoft technicians to both solve problems and even create better solutions. Also whenever I come on the site I’m being asked to fill out surveys. I’m fully ready to do this sometimes, but not nearly every single time, that’s a bit too much, and it’s liable to cheese people off. Like now, I just tested it out, while I’m filling out this survey, I went into another browser to the Windows website and boom up pops an annoying survey modal window! Do you get my point now? Poking someone over and over again to do what they just did, and do that daily, really do you want a larger growth in Apple Computer users? Because I don’t Apple computer users are A-holes.
However if you’re going to bombard visitors with annoying nag modal windows please have the courtesy to allow them to use the esc key to remove them from view. Anything less would be uncivilized. End rant.

Perhaps have an advanced area where unsatisfied seasoned users could click to interact with each other, along with Microsoft technicians to both solve problems and even create better solutions. Also whenever I come on the site I’m being asked to fill out surveys. I’m fully ready to do this sometimes, but not nearly every single time, that’s a bit too much, and it’s liable to cheese people off. Like now, I just tested it out, while I’m filling out this survey, I went into another browser to the Windows website and boom up pops an annoying survey modal window! Do you get my point now? Poking someone over and over again to do what they just did, and do that daily, really do you want a larger growth in Apple Computer users? Because I don’t Apple computer users are A-holes.
However if you’re going to bombard visitors with annoying nag modal windows please have the courtesy to allow them to use the esc key to remove them from view. Anything less would be uncivilized. End rant.

Regulating Corporations

It occurs to me, I find it very ironic that so many large businesses hate any forum of government regulations in their activities, while at the same time employing large armies of human resources personnel who heavily regulate all aspects of their employees’ behavior to an extent that it could be considered an absolute dictatorship.
Now I’ve run into problems myself with civil servant arrogance on a few occasions, however even from what I’ve dealt with I am fully cognisant of that fact that without certain social systems society wouldn’t be a very pleasant place to live.
So really what could be the point of such dislike of business regulation, but only for the fear that one’s wealth or its potential growth will be hindered or decreased.
I’m surprised that the left side of the political spectrum never use this fact against the legion of right leaning businessmen who decry such regulatory mechanisms. But if you understand that all political speech these days is in fact heavily scripted, controlled, or filtered by the dozens, hundreds, or thousands of political interests then it would make sense that such replies would rarely be used.
Maybe a more interesting debate moderated by decent comedians could enhance the debate. Who wouldn’t want to watch  Joanne Rivers moderate the current Romney vs. Obama debates, now that would be good political theater.

Post Featured image can be found at:  http://www.freedigitalphotos.net

Bad Grammar

So have you realized that far too many right night greatly oversize the adjective “so” to start their sentences? So like you know whatever, I know it sounds as if nothing is really being said. Perhaps this has to do with a situation of overall linguistic laziness, many adults at present seem to be unconcerned with their butchery of the English language, but why should you care? Here’s the thing, when our general sentence structure begins to degrade our standards of accuracy must also degrade as well. If the average adult on average opts for the utilization of a much more generative method of oral communication how could we realistically govern an increasingly complex world honestly, truthfully, and accurately?
Indeed how could one possibly be honest with another person all the while using such a primitive sentence structure? Communication is important, our intentions are conveyed by our words and not in the way in which we meant to appear. When you begin hearing “so” being used to begin far too many thoughts by news casters, podcasters, scientists, and other professionals (along with people in your daily life) I do believe something should be said, except for “so what” that is.

Here’s an interesting challenge for you, consciously listen to not only what you’re saying to others but to your own inner dialogue as well. You may be one of those people who are inadvertently using the word “so” far too often. Therefore you might try to substitute 2-4 other similar words, such as therefore or but.

Post Featured image can be found at:  http://www.freedigitalphotos.net

How Poison Helped Us Procreate

Evolution is going on all around you. It might not be so clearly defined as something you’d ever notice. By its very nature evolution shouldn’t be noticed. Random genetic mutation is natural you see, how many people ponder how they’re able to walk on two legs instead of four? We do not think about such things, of course others might notice that an adolescent is smarter or faster than the average, but rarely is it cause enough to destroy that adolescent, thus removing that mutation from the population. Thus what has come about via genetic mutation (generated by the gene pairing contribution from each parent’s genetic code) is beneficial to that adolescent increasing chances of survival, so much that indeed that adolescent might very well have more children on average in comparison to his or her fellow adolescents. Give this new capability a few generations of propagation within the population and voila the average member of that society could be faster or smarter.  Now on to the actual post!

Think about this just for a minute, our lips are a highly sensitized and specialized trait of our species. What the increase in sensitivity to external stimuli that our lips give us is the ability to know which foods are poisonous and what is edible. This increase in lip sensitivity, being sensitized to stimulation might also increase the period of human mating events and thus further increasing the chances of a successful impregnation. Not only this but kissing also increases the affection one person has for another, increasing the chances that each person might be willing to take their interactions further, more towards a full mating event.

Thus one genetic mutation which helped us to avoid poisonous foods might also have created a kind of secondary successful trait allowing homo sapiens to have an increased chance of producing offspring at each mating event.

Without the pleasurable benefits of kissing, who knows how great the human population (ie: birth date) would be affected. Not to mention how the lack of sensitive lips might also adversely affect the longevity of the average person as more individuals would become infected by various toxins or bacteria.

Of course this also brings me to our tongues, which of course is also highly sensitive, indeed even more so than the lips. The sensitivity of the tongue is probably older than that of the lips, most animals seem capable of knowing when a potential food source is bad for them by tasting it. Everyone who has French kissed before knows full well that it is indeed an enjoyable experience. So again we have a situation of what came first survival or pleasure? At a basic level most living systems seek their own safety first before all other considerations or needs are met.

I could easily keep going on, but this post is already long enough. Oh yeah, humans really cannot detect pheromones. Well that’s not entirely true, but other factors now seem to guide human mating patterns. So if we cannot smell & taste fertility and maturity levels in the air perhaps we and our ancestors had no other choice but to get closer.  Thus the ability to detect a potential mate via scent might be less valuable than being able to draw in a mate through touch enticement; well we’re talking about females here since males rarely say no (regardless of the species). So perhaps physical closeness works in man’s favour along with the perpetuation of the species. Ok I’m done for now Winking smile

The Late Jar

When talking online tonight regarding the tendency of certain individuals to be late, I stumbled across the idea of instituting a lateness jar. Now whenever an employee would arrive to a meeting or for their shift late, by say more than 5 minutes, they would have to place a set amount of money in the lateness jar. At the end of the week or month the entire staff would get a pizza party.
Of course ideas are never new so I went and googled it and sure enough someone had already come up with it. Only this was in the form of a website found here: http://thelatejar.com/

It’s still a work in progress as you might still see, but definitely a worthy effort! You can see more details here: addictivetips.com

Canadian National Student Loans Center: When Student Authorization of Bank Account Funds Does Not Matter


Apparently the Canadian National Student Loans Center has the capability to reach into the bank accounts of Canadians with a student loan and extract the monthly payment WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION. This is odd since the NSLC sends each student a form to fill out with two choices, one to have that amount set to automatically be withdrawn each month, beginning at a certain date, and another option whereby the student agrees to arrange a payment. However as it seems to be on the word of a NSLC’s supervisor and banker they do actually have the right to access your account even WITHOUT YOUR AUTHORIZATION! So now the only choice a student (or former student) has is to close down that account which the NSLC has the banking info on or expect the NSLC to be a kind of joint holder of the account until it’s either closed or the total amount is paid off.

In closing, if you have a loan in repayment status, or indeed it is coming up to that point my best advice is to close your bank account and reopen a new one.

The Disloyalty knot

Loyalty seems to be one of the more under utilized behavioral traits of modern times. Curious though as it is people seem to be even more paranoid over the disloyalty of lovers, friends, etc more than ever. Perhaps this is the result of one end causing another, with distrust breeding more distrustful behavior. If one believes they’re going to be cheated on or betrayed then the person may come to excuse themselves of future questionable behavior, even though that individual may never have been betrayed.